Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Chiefs assistant professor Dr. Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov

 Chiefs assistant professor Eng. Dimitar Nikolov Dimitrov Work address:  

Department of Mechanical & Instruments Engineering  

Technical University Sofia - branch of Plovdiv  

25, Tzanko Djustabanov str.  

Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria  

Study: 4109 

Phone +359 32/659 517  

E-mail: ddimitrov_tu@abv.bg  

GSM: +359 889 608 630  

Laboratory: 4405  

Used languages - Russian, English.  

Sphere of scientific researches - Technical measurings, Instruments for gauging physical and mechanical magnitudes, Design in mechanical engineering, etc.  

Teaching in disciplines: "Instruments for gauging physical and mechanical magnitudes", "Details of machines", "Technical measurings", "Engineer design", etc.

