Faculty of Electronics and Automation

Control Systems

Assist. Prof. Radoslav Hrischev, PhD, head of "Industrial Engineering"


Control Systems Department,  

Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv 

25 Tsanko Dustabanov Str. 

4000, Plovdiv, Bulgaria 

Office: 4319 

Phone: (+359) 32 659 525 

E-mail: hrischev@tu-plovdiv.bg 



1992 - PhD, Doctor of Automation of Technological Processes and Production /Construction/ 

1985 - Master Engineer - Electromechanics for Automation and Complex Mechanization 


Analysis and synthesis of systems, 

Information and control systems in the industry, 

Introduction to SAP, 

Automation of production mechanisms, 

Electric drive, 

Design of electric drive systems, 

Electromechanical systems, 

Scientific Interests:  

Information and control systems, ERP systems, Process automation systems,  

Electric drives, ITC infrastructure. 

Languages: English, Russian

