Faculty of Electronics and Automation

Control Systems

Assoc. Prof. Sevil Ahmed, PhD


Control Systems Department,  

Technical University - Sofia, Branch Plovdiv 

25 Tsanko Dyustabanov Str 

4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria 

Office: 4420  

Lab: 4407  

Phone: (+359) 32 659 585  

E-mail: sevil.ahmed@tu-plovdiv.bg 



2019 - Assoc. Prof., Control Systems Department, Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv 

2013 - PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Technical University of Sofia 

2006 - MSc Eng. in Automation, Information and Control Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv 

2004 - BSc Eng. in Automation, Information and Control Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv 



Signal Processing  

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 

Process Control 

Systems with Model Predictive Control 

Fuzzy-Neural Control 


Scientific Interests:  

Robotics, Mechatronics, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Structures, Model Predictive Control, Process Control 

Publications: Register of academic staff and dissertations - NACID 


Languages: Bulgarian, English, Turkish

