Faculty of Electronics and Automation

Control Systems

Professor Michail Petrov, PhD


Control Systems Department, 

Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, 

25 Tsanko Dustabanov Str, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria 

Office: 4418  

Phone: (+359) 32 659 583  

E-mail: mpetrov@tu-plovdiv.bg  

Home Page: http://www.mpet.hit.bg 




1977 Dipl. Eng., M.Sc. in Control Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. 

1989 Ph.D. in Control Engineering and Process Control, Mining University in Sofia. 

1998 Associate Professor in Industrial Automation (Control Systems Design), Technical University Sofia, branch Plovdiv. 


Control Systems Design, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,  

System Analysis, Model Predictive Control, Fuzzy-Neural Control. 

Languages: English, Czech, Russian 

Papers in pdf 

Topalov A.V., M.G.Petrov. Some Applications of Neural Networks in Automatic Control Tasks. Preprints of the 1st Balkan IFAC - TYPE Conference on "Applied Automatic Systems", Ohrid, R. Macedonia,1993, pp.17-18.  

Petrov M.G., A.V.Topalov. On Adaptive Fuzzy Control Using Neural Networks, Preprints of the 1st IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, Sept. 7-10, 1994, pp.144-149. (pdf)  

Petrov M., T. Proychev, A. Topalov. Expert PID Controller with Fuzzy Self-Tuning. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop on "Algorithms and Architectures for Real -Time Control, AARTC'95", Ostend, Belgium, May 31- June 2, 1995, pp.391-396. (pdf)  

Topalov A., T. Proychev, M. Petrov. Translation and Rotation Invariant 2D Object Recognition for Vision-based Robot Control. Preprints of the 3rd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Workshop, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS '95, Bucharest, Romania. 24 - 26 October 1995, vol.1, pp.55-63. (pdf)  

Proychev T., M.Petrov, A. Toplaov. A Tuning Method for Fuzzy Controllers Using Neural Networks. Preprints of the International Conference "Automation and Informatics

